We are building a community of families who move to the same village

Traveling Village is an intentional traveling community for families

We are building a community of families who move to the same village

We are building a community of families who move to the same village

Our dream explained

For many years we have had this dream, that we didn’t really think was possible. To live with a lot of like-minded family in a beautiful mountain village. A place where we are more connected to nature, where the kids can play wild and free and where community is always outside the door.

We are dreaming about an intentional community, but with a lot of freedom so everyone can do what is right for them.

A big part of the dream is to see if this can happen in a village that already exists. There are so many beautiful, but declining villages and we would love to spark new life into one. We don’t want to be new colonizers who create a community disconnected from the local people. We dream about traveling around talking with people and actually getting permission and working with local people

From 2012 to 2017 we were running a travel agency for entrepreneurs, where we were lucky to travel with over 500 entrepreneurs from 40+ countries. We learned about the value of in-real-life communities and we met some of our best friends through the project.

In 2023, now with two kids, we launched Traveling Village and in 2024 we took of on a 4-month experiment with 18 other families traveling in Asia. We saw how beautiful a community of families can be, where everyone helps out and the kids have a lot of freedom to play.

These experiences have made us dream even more about permanent community and it has given us the confidence to go all in on making this dream a reality.

The first step is sharing this overall idea and now the work towards making it a reality starts

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The first step is sharing this overall idea and now the work towards making it a reality starts

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The first step is sharing this overall idea and now the work towards making it a reality starts

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The first step is sharing this overall idea and now the work towards making it a reality starts

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